Monitoring tia
πŸ’¬ Understanding tia's responses

πŸ’¬ Understanding tia's responses

tia combines immediate responses with rich, contextual information to create a dynamic and comprehensive learning environment. Here's the key elements:

Instant, Intelligent Responses

tia provides immediate, context-aware answers to user queries. Responses are tailored to the user's current location within the platform, ensuring relevance. tia synthesizes information across all the configured data sources in your experience to deliver accurate, up-to-date information. Learn more about how tia works.

If tia's response or answer isn't quite right, the first few things to double check is that your experience has the correct data source(s) configured. After that, check out Improving tiaΒ to learn about our content management functionality.

Citations ("Read More")

Each response is accompanied by links to the original source material which we label with "Read More". Users can easily verify information and dive deeper into topics of interest. This feature builds trust and transparency in the learning process. Citations are ranked by their relevance to the user's question, with the most relevant citations appearing at the top. We'll show up to 20 citations, though usually only a few.

When using the 1-on-1 trainer or the shareable demo, or when embedded in your site, users will be able to click on these citations to view them in context. This is especially helpful when embedded in your site as it means the user can read the document without losing their spot in your site. If the citations aren't formatted 100% when viewed, not to worry, you canΒ refine the documentsΒ to adjust the formatting or hide certain elements.

If you're seeing duplicate links here, head over to Improving tiaΒ to learn how to hide documents.

In-Depth Learning

tia doesn't just answer questions; it opens doors to further knowledge. Responses include links to relevant in-depth learning resources within your platform. These might include detailed articles, video tutorials, or full courses related to the user's query. In-Depth Learning links are ranked by their relevance to the user's question, with the most relevant links appearing at the top. We'll show up to 3 In-Depth Learning links.

ℹ️ Note In-Depth Learning links will only appear if you've added an In-Depth Learning Data Source.