Acceptable Use Policy

Acceptable Use Policy


Acceptable Use Policy


This Acceptable Use Policy (โ€œAUPโ€) is a straightforward, concise approach to mitigating potential risks of using tia in inappropriate, unintended, and unacceptable settings or in industries that are unaligned with the true purpose and contractually permitted use of tia. It is not Thought Industriesโ€™ final AUP or comprehensive approach to product policy, and it will be subject to on-going revision and updating, as further refinements to tia are implemented.

Thought Industries, Inc. (โ€œTIโ€) currently has no staff dedicated to overseeing and enforcing this policy and potential violations will be handled reactively; further, it is the duty of each TI customer to provide this AUP to authorized users of tia, and provide reasonably necessary instructions and prohibitions to its users.


The Policy below assumes tia is provided primarily on a B2B-basis, with TIโ€™s customers operating as organized businesses, which then permit their authorized users to access tia.


You (and your authorized users) agree not to use tia for the following activities and use cases. This list is representative and non-exhaustive; TI retains the right to revise and update the Policy.

  • Adult industries or sexually explicit content and services
  • Bullying, harassment, or threatening behavior
  • Controlled and illegal substances (e.g. drugs, pharmaceuticals, etc.)
  • Deceptive, fraudulent, or misleading practices and services (e.g. comment and review generation, impersonation, multi-level marketing and pyramid schemes, plagiarism, spam, etc.)
  • Discrimination, hate speech, and hateful content
  • Automated decision making regarding natural persons
  • Gambling, lending, trading, or other financial activities
  • Tracking, locating or monitoring any natural person; queries of natural persons
  • Financial decision making or creditworthiness of any natural person
  • Health, medical, or therapy applications for natural persons ย 
  • Inappropriate or invasive use of confidential or personal information
  • Influencing campaigns, elections, or other political activities
  • Interfering with or negatively impacting tia services
  • Malware, phishing, or viruses; SPAM and marketing email
  • Products and services infringing on the intellectual property or rights of others
  • Products, services, or activities that violate applicable laws and regulations
  • Violence or harm against persons, animals, or property (including encouragement, facilitation, or support)
  • Violent extremism or terrorism (including encouragement, facilitation, or support)
  • Weapons, explosives, and dangerous materials
  • Using tia in violation of any natural personโ€™s rights, including privacy rights as defined in applicable, global privacy laws