Improving tia
๐Ÿ“ Content Management

๐Ÿ“ Content Management

After a successful import, you should see the # of documents imported in the 'Document Count' column on the Data Sources page. You can click on that number to see the list of documents imported.

One key piece of information you will see on the document list page is the format of the document. Here are the following formats:

  • Course:ย A page that describes a product, course, or service, but does not contain the content itself, just a description. Because these documents don't contain any actual course materials (which are usually behind a paywall), we use them as 'related content' only. They are not used for Q&A.
  • Event: Similar to the Course format, this format is a page that describes a webinar or in-person event. These are also used as 'related content' and are not used for Q&A.
  • Table of Contents (toc): A page that lists the sections of a document, usually linking to each section, but does not contain the content itself. These pages are useful for discovering links to other pages, but because they do not contain the content itself, we automatically hide them from display.
  • Article:ย A page that provides help, support or documentation. These are critical pages that drive the Q&A portion of tia. If you're not seeing the results you'd like from Q&A, make sure you have plenty of article pages.
  • Error:ย A page that leads to an error, such as a 404 (page not found), or a page that leads to a dead end, such as a sign in or registration page. We automatically hide these pages.

We automatically determine the format based on the data source you've selected and the page content itself. These formats may not be exact or capture all possible page formats out there.

If you click on the title of a document you'll see more information about it. The tags and summary on the resulting page are automatically generated and are used to improve search results. We'll also display a preview of the inlineย version of the document. Note we currently only display articles inline, so don't worry about the preview for different formats.

Hiding and Showing Documents

One of the key ways you can influence the embed (Q&A, 'Learn More', and 'Related Content') is by hiding and showing documents. From the document list, simply select the document(s) you want to hide or show, and click the corresponding button (e.g. "Hide Selected Documents") at the top of the document list. You can always undo this action by selecting the document again, the button will automatically toggle between "Hide" and "Show" (or "Toggle Visibility" if you have selected a mix of hidden and shown documents.)

Note you may see some documents automatically hidden after import โ€“ by default we'll hide "error" and "table of contents" formats.

You can also hide or show a single document via the "Actions" menu when viewing a single document.

Refreshing Documents

Refreshing a single document

If you've recently updated a document and would like the changes reflected in tia, you can trigger a refresh. From the documents list, click on the title of the document you would like refreshed. You can use the search bar if you're looking for a specific document. Once you've located your document and clicked on its title, click "Actions", then "Refresh". This process takes about a minute, but you're free to leave the page and come back later.

Refreshing multipleย documents

If you've recently added or updated many documents, you can trigger a refresh of the entire Data Source. From the Data Source List click on the relevant Data Source and select "Update". Click the next "Update" button without changing the URL and we will refresh the content in the background.

If you've recently deleted documents, you can hide them by following the instructions in "Hiding and Showing Documents".

A few notes on refreshing documents:

  • If you've selected to hide documents, those documents will continue to be hidden upon refresh as long as their URL doesn't change. If the URL does change, we'll treat it as a new document.
  • Refinements will be re-applied to the documents as they are refreshed. For single document refinements, we'll re-apply the refinements as long as the URL doesn't change.
  • In the future, we'll automatically track document changes, additions, and deletions on a regular basis.

Refining Documents

We attempt to convert support articles into a format that can be displayed inline within the embed itself. This allows users to read support articles without having to lose their context by going out to an external site. The process of converting articles into an inline format is not perfect. The web is a big place with a lot of different formatting, which means we may not be able to display an article perfectly without a little help. This is particularly true with the 'Other' data source, but can also apply to others, such as Zendesk, due to how customizable each data source is.

If an inline document (article) is not displaying correctly, you can either hide it by following the instructions in "Hiding and Showing Documents", or you can refine it by following the steps below.

From the documents list, click on the title of a document which is not displaying correctly. You can use the search bar if you're looking for a specific document. Once you've located your document and clicked on its title, click "Actions", then "Refine". You have a few refinement options:

  • Make/Remove Bold: This will make the indicated text bold (or not).
  • Make/Remove Heading: This will make the indicated text a heading (or not).
  • Remove:ย This will remove the text entirely.

Select the refinement option you're most interested in and then fill out the corresponding text box. For example, if your support articles are displaying an author byline and you would like to remove that, select "Remove", then in the corresponding text box, enter "Author byline". Sometimes this can take a bit of trial and error โ€“ don't worry if you don't get the right results on the first try. Here's a few tips for using this functionality:

  • If you're looking to alter or remove specific text, including that text in quotes helps, e.g. "Sign In".
  • If you know the CSS class name of the element in question, feel free to mention that, e.g. .author-byline.
  • If it ends up selecting too much content, you can refine your statement and try again. For example, if you're looking to remove "Sign In" and it captures the text around it, you could say: "Sign In", just that text, keep the nearby content.
  • Examples help if it's a pattern you're looking to remove, e.g. if you want to remove all numbers formatted like 01, 02, etc., you can try: "01" "02" etc.

Once you've selected the type of refinement and filled in the corresponding text box, you can click "Preview Refinement" to get a preview of the changes that will be made. We'll summarize them and also display the resulting document below. Once you're happy with the change(s), you can select "Apply changes toโ€ฆ" and choose from one of these options:

  • This document only: We'll only apply the changes to the document you're currently on.
  • All documents in this data source:ย We'll apply changes to all of the documents in the data source. This can be useful if you're looking to make a change to all the documents, for example removing the author byline from everything in the data source.

Weighing Documents

If you would like a document to show more or less often, you can add a 'weight' to it. From the documents list, click on the title of a document which you would like to change. You can use the search bar if you're looking for a specific document. Once you've located your document and clicked on its title, you'll see a 'weight' slider available. The default value is 100%. A weight above 100% will result in the document showing more often, and a weight below 100% will result in the document showing less often. This also influences the answers generated in the Q&A portion of tia.

Editing Responses

If you navigate to the "Message Trainer" you'll see a list of chat messages and responses. If you would like to improve a response, you can do so by clicking the pencil icon on the response itself. Edit the response and then click save. A few notes on this functionality:

  • To maintain an accurate chat history, the new canned response is not shown after save.
  • To edit a canned response, revisit the chat history and click the pencil icon again.
  • Due to the nature of this feature, responses in chat may not 100% reflect the changes made here.
  • We will also use the canned responses for similar questions as appropriate.